What is Dispatch?

We craft our new and highly demanded products in small batches. Therefore, pre-ordering your exquisitely crafted GRAMS28 piece will not only save you 10% or more, but it also allows our craftsman to work more seamlessly, thus retaining the high level of quality you have grown to expect. Once we complete your piece to our satisfaction, we will ship it to you by the estimated dispatch date. This way, our planet takes on less waste, and everybody wins!

Why the long lead time?

Our ecological approach to production translates to limitations of how many products we can produce every month. Therefore, we can only scale so fast without compromising the quality of our products. For this reason, we schedule our production and release pieces on our website for pre-order with an estimated dispatch date. The estimated dispatch date appears on the product page and subsequently on your order confirmation. Using this approach, you will always know when your exquisite GRAMS28 product is due to hit your doorstep.